As written in my last post I took the OzEx bus to Rainbow Beach. Is has that name because the sand on the beach supposedly as over 70 shades of colour. It was already dark when I arrived, and at 10am this morning I will start my 3day/2night trip of Fraser Island, the world’s biggest sand island. For this reason I haven’t been to the beach here yet, but it took the bus driver less than a minute to show us the town of Rainbow Beach: it has less than 900 residents and is really small, nothing to do here. Its only purpose is to get over to Fraser Island, as it is the closest point to it.

To cite the busdriver: “You really cannot get lost in this village, and if you do: good luck!” 😀

I stayed at Dingo’s the night, it’s okay and cheap. And the best thing: they offer free pankage breakfast 😀
The pankages were good and I ate them the aussie way: with lemon juice and sugar.

My 7 bed dorm was full and when I packed and checked out, only one person was gone already, the others were still asleep. I am really looking forward to the Fraser trip, stay tuned for my next post in 3 days 🙂

No photos for now, but I promise you beautiful pics for Fraser.

Have fun!